The heat is on, Bills Mafia!
It’s Spring! That means celebrations for parents are either here or right around the corner. It’s prime grilling season for a few months in the Northeast, which will turn into tailgate season.
Or if you’re like me and author a weekly recipe series right here on Buffalo Rumblings, cooking season is year-round to try and perfect my brand of mad (kitchen) science. But Skare, with all that cooking on the docket, how am I supposed to protect my clothing, hands, and awesome hair?
FOCO has you covered with the Buffalo Bills Plaid Chef Set, available now!
The polyester set includes an apron, oven mitt, and chef’s hat for $75. All three are in coordinating team colors. While the design isn’t what would technically be described as “buffalo plaid” they are in the far superior “Buffalo Bills plaid.” Matching charging buffalo logos add some extra team flair.
Is this what I wear around the kitchen when I’m prepping for Wingin’ It? Of course not, these are newly released. That means you can beat me to the punch and hold it over me for the rest of my days. Get your set here now. Items also sold separately.