If ever there was a moment to cut a person some slack...
In case you weren’t aware, Buffalo Bills quarterback Josh Allen is currently in Paris, France at the moment. Why would you be aware? It’s the offseason and the man is due his time away from the NFL and the spotlight. Or so we thought...
Here, now, a tweet from Allen that’s received a lot of attention:
My pants ripped at dinner
— Josh Allen (@JoshAllenQB) March 5, 2024
Didn’t want cheeks out…
I love Paris
Out of context, this is a hilarious tweet. With it added, the hilarity ramps up. Even if that means some people are upset for no good reason.
It doesn’t take much recollection to land on any of the numerous moments where Josh Allen’s found his choice of spare time critiqued under the obsessive microscope of fandom. He’s been labeled either too sidetracked by outside interests like golf (for example: here, here, here, here, or here), or elsewhere. That comes with the territory when you’re a fan base’s greatest hope at postseason glory perhaps ever. Ever.
That’s also magnified when you’re dating a celebrity — who, in this case is actress and singer Hailee Steinfeld. The situation right now that’s found Allen in a bit of undue hot water with Hailee Steinfeld fans is thanks to what appears to be a cell phone capture from Paris. It appears as though some have taken umbrage with Allen’s exit from the vehicle, where he’s the first one out and quickly past the crowd in, ahem... a flash.
How I see . Hailee with the asshole and her friend .
— Andreaherrerafdz (@andyhf1299) March 5, 2024
Also this joshito only has the same type of clothes so boring .She and her friend beautiful.He left the SUV and run faster inside doesn’t stop at all . See ya dude, not relevant either The video only said Hailee Steinfeld pic.twitter.com/Hiz8NOIwZe
As the tweet above states, some saw his actions as less than ideal, perhaps believing it to be an ego situation.
When, in reality... Allen just didn’t want to show people his unmentionables. When a dude rips his pants, he’s probably going to do his best to hide it from those who have no context. That’s especially the case when crowds and paparazzi are certain to hound them everywhere they go in public.
So, it’s worth cutting Allen some slack here for leaving first, and quickly moving on. One could envision a scenario where Allen was encouraged to leave first, allowing the focus to swiftly shift to Hailee Steinfeld — and away from Allen’s wardrobe malfunction. But instead, Allen’s left informing all of Twitter what happened when we had no idea it was any of our business.
Them’s the breaks, or rips in this case. Josh Allen just so happens to have a pretty awesome sense of humor and takes it all in stride.